Frequently asked questions

According to the current legal situation, we are only allowed to test you for HIV & syphilis and hepatitis C, if necessary. Most people are primarily at risk of sexual infection. If this also applies to you, we will test you for HIV & syphilis (combined 3rd generation rapid antibody test). A test for hepatitis C is optional and especially recommended if you have ever had previous experience with intravenous drug use (e.g. in the context of chemsex). An HCV test can also be useful if you have ever been tattooed under questionable hygienic conditions (e.g. while in prison). You can find more information here:
Info sheet on our tests (PDF, status: 2023)
You can come to us with or without an appointment.
Without an appointment, you have maximum flexibility. However, you may have to wait a few minutes if we are busy at the moment. If you need planning security and want to minimise your waiting time, you can use our online appointment booking further down on this page. Please, only make an appointment if you are really sure that you will be able to keep it!
In principle, you can of course have a rapid test carried out by us at any time. However, whether this is useful, meaningful and reliable depends on the occasion and the time that has passed since then.

If you want to get tested after a concrete risk situation, this or the last of this situations must have occurred at least 12 weeks ago (or 3 months) on the day of the test.
For example: Vaginal/Anal sex without a condom or the PrEPorCondom was used but slipped off/broken

If there's no risk situation, there's no waiting period to obtain.
With the test result you will receive reliable information about your blood status 3 months ago and before.
For example: Partner test at the beginning of a new relationship or First-time test out of interestorAnnual routine test
If you only need to be tested for HIV & syphilis because there were previously only sexual risks, a joint appointment is possible.
Please use our online booking tool and select one of the last appointments if possible (at 11.30 AM or 4 PM).
Assure to fill the word "Paartest" in the Notes field, otherwise a joint test cannot be guaranteed.

A separate appointment booking is required if you want to be tested for hepatitis C as well as HIV & syphilis. This is advisable, for example, if there is previous experience with chemsex (sexualised, often intravenous substance use) or fisting (inserting a fist into the anus) in addition to the usual sexual risks.
No. You can and should eat and drink as usual before your appointment. We recommend drinking a glass of water before your appointment, as this makes it easier to take the blood sample. If you are taking blood thinners, please let us know proactively at the start of your appointment! Please refrain from consuming psychoactive substances before your appointment.
You will be informed of your result verbally immediately after taking the test. Unfortunately, it is not possible for us to issue you with a written document. However, you are welcome to take a photo of the test kit if you would like to show it to someone, for example. If you need a written certificate, please contact the health authority ("Gesundheitsamt") responsible for your city or district. A laboratory test will then be carried out there (blood taken from the arm vein), which can be certified with an official document (costs usually €10-15).
No. If you are ill, please stay at home! Especially if you have cold symptoms such as a cough, runny nose, hoarseness, sore throat, headache and aching limbs, it's better to stay at home for a few days than to infect others and possibly ourselves. If we get sick, the checkpoint stays closed! So it's better to come by spontaneously a week later or book a new appointment according to your preferences 😉
If you still have to come by promptly and urgently and with a good reason, please wear an FFP2 mask during your entire stay with us. Thanks!
We generally offer our tests free of charge so that everyone can take advantage of them, regardless of their financial situation. Of course, we do incur costs (~€10 to €30 per test), which is why we would be very happy if you would support our work with a donation if you are financially able to do so. Thank you very much! ♥ Unfortunately, at the moment we can only accept donations in cash on site (donation box) or by bank transfer. For donations of €100 or more, we will of course be happy to issue a donation receipt.

Appointment overview & booking:

Contakt & Social Media
Mobile: +49 1577 6296947
Phone: +49 361 3462297

If you cannot reach us by phone, feel free to contact us via WhatsApp or Telegram.
WhatsApp | Telegram | Instagram |Facebook

Opening hours

Tuesday & Thursday, 10-12 AM & 1-4 PM
Admission without appointment until 15:30 at the latest